Page 25 - Elektrikli Araçlar 31
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Accelera Battery System to Power

                       BMC Otomotiv Electric Transit


           Accelera™  by  Cummins,  the  zero-emissions  business   “A milestone for Accelera”
           segment of Cummins Inc. [NYSE: CMI], is collaborating with   “The  launch  of  our  NMC  battery  in  Turkey  and  Europe,  in
           BMC Otomotiv, a leading manufacturer of buses and trucks in   collaboration  with  BMC,  is  a  milestone  for  Accelera  as  we
           Turkey and throughout Europe, to provide battery solutions   the world,” said Brian Wilson, General Manager of eMobility  23
                                                               expand our battery-electric offerings to new regions around
           for their transit bus operations. The companies have signed a
           letter of intent (LOI) for Accelera to power BMC’s city buses.   for  Accelera.  “Collaborating  with  BMC  to  power  their
           This marks the first time the BP97E, Accelera’s latest nickel   electric city buses demonstrates Accelera’s ability to deliver
           manganese  cobalt  (NMC)  battery  pack,  will  be  used  in   innovative,  zero-emissions  technologies,  and  we’re  excited
           operation in Europe.
                                                               to  work  together  to  provide  sustainable  solutions  for  cities
                                                               and towns across Europe.”
           An Onboard Energy Option
           Of Up To 582 Kwh
           The  BP97E  is  a  high-energy-density  battery  pack  and  is
           the latest development in Accelera’s NMC battery platform.
           Its  single-pack  storage  capacity  of  up  to  97  kWh  makes  it
           an  effective  solution  for  weight-sensitive  applications.  Its
           patented  platform  design  and  flexible  mounting  options
           make  integrating  into  many  types  of  electric  buses  and
           other  applications  simpler.  Transit  agencies  can  tailor  the
           energy  level  needed  to  serve  their  communities  through
           an  onboard  energy  option  of  up  to  582  kWh  with  a  six-
           pack  battery  configuration.  This  will  ensure  efficient  and
           reliable  transportation  for  passengers  while  also  promoting
                                                               Operate Throughout Europe
                                                               The  city  buses  will  be  sold  in  Turkey,  BMC’s  domestic
                                                               market,  and  will  operate  throughout  Europe.  These  buses
                                                               play a crucial role in large cities, which have high-capacity
                                                               demands. The project is already underway, with the BP97E
                                                               batteries expected to be delivered in the first half of 2024 and
                                                               the buses expected to be delivered to customers in 2025.

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