elektrikli araç Etiketi

elektrikli araç

Germans Appreciate Karsan’s Advanced Design, too

Karsan, which rolled up its sleeves to play a leading role in electrifying North America's transport infrastructure after Europe, continues to receive worldwide awards for the high-tech products it has developed. In this sense, the Karsan…

Protecting biodiversity: Projects at all Audi locations

In addition to decarbonisation, resource efficiency, and water use, Audi’s cross-site environmental program Mission:Zero also focuses on biodiversity as one of its four key areas of activity. From fields of flowers and colonies of wild bees…

Volvo Cars reports new global sales record in 2023

Volvo Cars sets a new global sales record as the company reports full year sales of 708,716 cars during 2023, an increase of 15 per cent compared to the full year of 2022.  The all-time-high sales record is a demonstration of Volvo Cars’…