Ds Automobiles On The Podium Of Formula E Season 10

DS Automobiles and PENSKE AUTOSPORT took 3rd place in season 10 of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship in London on 21 July. After 16 particularly competitive races, the Franco-American association distinguished itself in a competition that was more intense than ever, thanks to the talent of its drivers and the know-how of its team.

For this season 10, the DS PENSKE team has 4 podiums (3 J.-E. Vergne and 1 S. Vandoorne) and 3 pole positions (J.-E. Vergne). A very satisfying result and above all very significant of the work done since the end of season 9.

As for the drivers, Jean-Eric Vergne – 5th in the general classification – has once again made history in electric competition. At the wheel of the DS E-TENSE FE23, the French driver took the record for pole positions in the discipline (17) as well as the record for the number of points scored (1133) since his involvement in the series. In a duo with Stoffel Vandoorne – 10th in the Drivers’ standings – the only double Formula E champion collected 139 points for DS PENSKE, which has 200 at the end of this season 10.

And if the French driver has largely contributed to the good results of the team, he has also enriched the DS Automobiles prize list. By taking a magnificent second place in Berlin, the DS Automobiles ambassador allowed the Brand to cross the symbolic threshold of 50 podiums. A meaningful statistic that highlights the incredible performances of the French manufacturer, holder of two double titles in Formula E.

After a year full of emotions and learning, the team is now preparing for season 11 which will begin with the official tests in Valencia (Spain) on November 4. A season 11 that will see the entry into competition of the GEN3 Evo, a new car much faster and more efficient than the current single-seater.

Eugenio Franzetti, DS Performance Director:

“Formula E remains an unpredictable series and the level of competition is increasingly high! Once again, the season was very intense and we had to fight every second of each race to stay among the leaders. Thanks to the performance of our DS E-TENSE FE23, the talent of our drivers and the enormous work put in by the team, we finished on the 3rd step of the podium! This is a great reward for everyone and it gives us great motivation for next season! The DS Performance teams have been working hard on the development of the GEN3 Evo for several months in order to line up a new fast and efficient single-seater. The goal is to give ourselves every chance of doing even better in season 11!”

Key figures since DS Automobiles became involved in Formula E:

121 races
4 championship titles
16 victories
51 podiums
24 pole positions

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