ADS-TEC Energy and Caverion Expand Their Partnership

ADS-TEC Energy (ADSE) and Caverion have entered into a partnership agreement to supply battery-buffered fast-charging solutions that enable ultra-fast charging of electric vehicles with up to 320 kW - without complicated and expensive network expansion.


Caverion is the market leader for public charging stations in Norway. Last year, the company installed one in three fast-charging stations there and concluded service contracts for around half of the charging stations in operation.

The company’s e-mobility team sees great opportunities in ADS-TEC Energy’s solution. “The limited capacity of the power grid is an obstacle to the use of fast-charging stations in many places. With this solution, it is possible to implement ultra-fast charging,” says Ove Kjelby, Head of Sales e-mobility at Caverion.

ADS-TEC Energy’s system solution is based on battery technology in which the energy can be charged via the existing network and quickly accessed when needed. Kjelby points out that the products are also well suited where older, low-power AC charging stations are to be replaced cost-effectively. With this technology, the existing network infrastructure can be used and thus multiple charging power can be offered on the existing power connection in order to charge electric vehicles in minutes instead of hours.

The ChargeBox fast charging solution offers various placement options thanks to separately placeable system components, whereby the network connection can also be up to 300 meters away from the charging station.

ADS-TEC Energy and Caverion have been working together in Norway since February. Due to the positive experience there, the partnership is now being expanded to Sweden and Denmark. “ADS-TEC Energy’s products and their innovative solution for ultra-fast charging in limited networks have also opened the eyes of our colleagues in Sweden and Denmark, and that is why we have decided to expand the partnership sooner rather than later,” says Kjelby.

The managing director of ADS-TEC Energy, Thomas Speidel, is looking forward to a long-term partnership. “In working with Caverion, we see great potential to offer fast, convenient and high-quality services to customers and charging station owners in the Nordic region. This experienced and reliable company is the perfect partner because Caverion covers the full spectrum of high-quality maintenance and service in the world’s leading electromobility market.”
More than 20 percent of the vehicles on Norwegian roads are now electric cars. According to an estimate from 2022, the country will need between 6,000 and 10,000 fast charging points for electric cars by 2030. Fast charging solutions, such as those from ADS-TEC Energy, make a crucial contribution to achieving this goal because they can be installed quickly and without upgrading the power grid.

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