Horizon Aircraft Outlines Military Case For Its Cavorite X7

New Horizon Aircraft (NASDAQ: HOVR), a leading hybrid electric Vertical TakeOff and Landing (“eVTOL”) aircraft developer, believes the fan-in-wing technology it is using for its Cavorite X7 is ideal for military aviation operations that require operational flexibility, reduced noise signature, speed and access (please see the attached press release - images are available on request).

Brandon Robinson, CEO of Horizon Aircraft said: “The Cavorite X7’s robust technology of fan-in-wing means its rotors are not only protected, but they also reduce the noise signature over an open rotor design, two features that should appeal greatly to the military.”

Horizon Aircraft believes there are three main military roles the Cavorite X7 could be considered for: Medical Evacuation. Speed is essential here. The ability to move a casualty to a primary point of care within the ‘golden hour’ is vital. For example, the MV-22 has saved many lives and the Cavorite X7 could do the same but would use fewer military resources being a smaller aircraft, properly sized for casualties and medical personnel.

Insertion/Extraction. The Cavorite X7 has capacity for six passengers in civilian guise. It can carry four passengers fully equipped for military use –the ‘standard makeup’ of a reconnaissance or special operator team. This, coupled with the significant noise reduction over open rotor aircraft, makes the X7 ideal for covert or discrete operations.

ISR (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance). With the USMC adage of ‘every platform a sensor’, the Cavorite X7 as a turboprop aircraft has the power (est. 100kW) to support multiple sensors to provide overwatch for the ‘warfighter’. It can loiter in ‘wings-closed’ mode for a significant amount of time.

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